Welcome to ZINETOWN, the #1 place for all of your zine-needing needs! We guarantee

that every zine sold through here is, in fact, a zine! Our mission is to supply zines to

any and all potential customers!

Zines are short, usually self-published works, that can be easily copied and

reproduced via a copy machine. They are meant to either provide information

about a topic, or to create a quick amusement to the reader. It’s possible

to create a zine using just one piece of computer paper!

The world of reading is in a competitive place right now. Many people are looking for

ANYTHING to read, and bookstores everywhere are attempting to solve the problem.

But there's one major flaw that these major book chains don’t seem to realize:

reading is boring.

Books are TOO LONG, and it takes all of your muscle strength just to turn a single page.

And then you have to keep turning the page like 100 more times, and

by the time you’ve finished a book you feel like you’ve just finished

running a marathon.

But our zines are different! They’re short, sweet, and they get to the point.

They’re so short you’ll barely feel like any time has passed by the time you finish

reading one! With our zines, we’re targeting readers of any age, gender, and race who might

not have the time to read an entire book, and just need a quick piece of literature to

satisfy their reading senses.

For this business, I am the only employee. The great thing about zines is that they can be easily

reproduced, so after finishing a zine (which is already pretty easy to do as

the most you’ll need for a single zine is a single piece of computer paper and scissors),

you can use a copy machine to create tons and tons of copies! This will create lots of

stock in a short and cost effective amount of time!

PRODUCT - We’re making zines!

PLACE - They will be sold online and can be purchased in a physical and pdf format!

PROMOTION - We believe that word of mouth will be the primary advertisement for our business.

PRICE - Thanks to the rather cheap production of them, a single zine will cost only $1.

The only equipment required for the business will be computer paper and scissors,

which are both pretty cheap! A stack of 500 papers can cost about $25,

so purchasing 500 papers every month would equal about $300 a year

spent on computer paper!

Assuming one zine equals $1, and assuming we can sell an average of 50 zines a week,

that would be an average of $50 dollars every week, and assuming a month has an average of 4 weeks,

that would create an average of $200 dollars every month. After a year,

that would create an average of $2400 dollars a year.

With this rate the average profit in a year would be about $2,160 a year!

Zines are the way of the future, and you wouldn’t wanna miss out on the future!

ZINETOWN: For all your zine needing-needs!